Como reciclar alimentos que foram parar no lixo

The story…

Recycling food waste


Need-to-know language…

deal with – do something to solve a problem

breaks down – separates (something) into smaller parts

organic matter – living things that have decayed

sustainable – able to exist for a long time

pathogens – living things, such as a virus or bacteria, that cause disease

Answer this…

Where is the food waste put after it has been recycled?


This is just some of the food waste produced from the Clipper Cafe in Shaldon [in the UK].

It was sent away for processing or to landfill, but they found a new way to deal with it.

This machine breaks down the waste in less than 24 hours – reducing the volume by up to 90 per cent – producing a material that can be put back on the farm.

Peter French, cafe owner

It’s become noticeable over the years how much material goes to waste – food waste in the kitchen preparation and scraping plates [of leftovers] and all that material is full of nutrient and organic matter that we really do need on the farm to keep the soil healthy and productive for next year’s crops.

It works by using heat and enzymes to reduce the moisture content. It’s hoped it will help the environment.

William Bedell, machine provider, Horse Weigh International

Going to landfill is not sustainable. And it’s doing a huge amount of damage to the environment. So, we are addressing this food waste on-site where it’s produced.

The farm and cafe are part of the same business. Much of the produce for the cafe comes from the farm. And the cafe is now sending back the leftovers.

The process is quick, usually taking around 15 hours per load.

Peter French, farm and cafe owner

It just feels right to be returning that organic matter back to the land that originally produced the food. The compost that comes out is a beautiful light, fluffy material. All the fibres of what we’re putting in, is broken down. The heating cycle has cooked all the pathogens and such like that we do not want to put back onto the farm. And it’s a lovely material to work with. We will be spreading this back on the land through the spring for this year’s crops.

And it’s hoped that that produce will end up back on plates in the cafe soon.

Did you get it?

Where is the food waste put after it has been recycled?

The food waste is put back on the farm.